GSWC-PASIGMMI Building Dr. Sixto Antionio Avenue, Caniogan Pasig City (in front of 7-11)
Our full biblical studies course to maximize your educational and ministry potential!
Learn entrepreneurship skills, leadership skills and develop your business abilities!
Learn to defend your faith with this degree in partnership with Ratio Christi ministry!
A comprehensive course to expand and deepen your knowledge of the Bible and further equip you for gospel ministry.
A comprehensive course of biblical leadership principles designed to equip you for effective executive leadership.
Learn to live life globally and serve God abroad!
GLU had a great impact on my life, most especially in the spiritual aspect. This university played a very important role in my growth as a Christian. Most of my spiritual principles and foundations were formed while studying here. I would say that this school is also a sort of a life-saver for me. It was at this time when I felt hopeless, when suddenly I was given the opportunity to enroll and get to know more about God. Now that it is developing, I can say that more people will be reached out and impacted through this ministry.
Serving Cross-Culturally in Cambodia
My 4 years in GLU was memorable as well as a meaningful experience for me. My initial reason for enrolling in GLU was quite shallow: just because most of my church friends were enrolling, I just decided to go along with everyone else. I was also studying at a secular college at that time and juggling two educational courses became a challenge. However, for some reason I could not seem to let go of GLU and the longer I stayed, the more I realized that God was leading me and the purpose he had for me. GLU became a light in my path. I value my education from GLU not only because of the many things I have learned spiritually but because my vision and purpose have become clear. GLU not only educates but changes lives.
GLU has put my dreams into reality. During my childhood I had been dreaming of becoming a teacher. However, I graduated from a secular school with a different degree and had worked as a Bank Associate and later started a business. However, years later an opportunity had opened its door for me to get enrolled and study at GLU Mandaluyong in 2014. It was then an avenue for me to be transformed as I began to humble myself and to start living selflessly, it had changed me to be a better person, my thoughts and perspective in life now aligns with the will of the Lord. A year before my graduation I was given the opportunity to teach that until now. My passion in the ministry of teaching has brought fulfillment in my life, as I have enjoyed teaching in different levels. Truly God is at work and really answers our hearts desires. To God be all the glory. Thank you Lord.
I had great days with my classmates and professors during those times. GLU has had a wonderful impact on my life. Perhaps, without GLU my life would be in vain. I had a Pastor back then but I did not have a proper mentor, but the GLU professors were just so good, they taught me how to stand and fight in my faith and they mold me spiritually. Now, living abroad my life is very useful, I am able to evangelize alone to the non-believers. GLU is a wonderful thing that happened in my life that I can be proud of. And I would like to take this chance to say thanks to all of my professors and classmates. I’m so grateful to have you in my life. I highly recommended this school. Thank you and God bless us all.
GLU helped me to grow and mature in serving in the ministry. It has had a great Impact in my life and spiritual aspect. It helped me to build my confidence in life and how to deal with different people. Now I am one of the professors at this university. I want to share what I have learned and experienced and develop more leaders and ministers that would help the local churches. I would like to say thank you to our Lord Jesus Christ and also to the school for allowing me finish my studies.